Sunday, December 10, 2017

THANK YOU Ricky , Alex, Quilts Inc, and IQA

Bob R from Houston show was so kind to send me this pic last week.  I was so danged nervous at the Houston Intl.  Awards ceremony.   Big deal for me to receive double the pleasure for having BOTH Ricky and Alex present my award sponsored by Class people they are and Ricky was suffering through that smile with knee pain.  Thanks Quilt Show staff (one and all.)

Friday, December 1, 2017

WHERE HAS She Been?!

Beats me!   I'm not dead... not fading away for all time.  I have been teaching... showing work , doing some custom quilting for hire when I could... I'll be back on line once things settle down a bit .  Sometimes life takes turns that consume us.  No pity party here.... just is...   A stepson  diagnosed in May with glioblastoma turned many lives upside down. By the grace of God and love of family, it has brought family members even closer.. in constant collaboration in supporting and dealing! Out of state family hit a different rough spot which took a toll we are dealing with and seeing positive results.  Enough said. I've just had higher personal priorities of late as I'm sure many have.   I just looked up a 2016 instruction I posted  to give a friend and realized  by lack of posting, I seemed to have vanished!! 
Good news nonetheless... My very large White Knight Horse earned a blue ribbon  last month in Houston... and now lives with a new owner in the midwest.  Shock! Nice surprise!   Have a great safe holiday all and give thanks for all the good you have in life!!    Holiday Hugs....   Patt