First the meeting of the minds and cats at the base of our one lane mountain road. The sculpture is wrapped and secured in the back of the white pick up. An even bigger "Cat" (or rather Caterpiller) will be instrumental in getting the sculpture onto its permanent home pedestal.
A slow wind up the road and then to prepare to lift and relocate:
It would be a fair statement to say we were scared when the single strap under the belly of the mountain lion, raised him to the prepared pedestal. I was guaranteed it would lift 3000 pounds. It did just fine and we breathed a sigh of relief when the lion touched down.
Here,he is starting to emerge from his protective wrapping.
Caught in afternoon light and shadow, he rests beside his new owner, hubby Ray Hughes
This mountain lion is nothing short of spectacular and will retain the name given by the artist.. "Majestic Lion".
To see other works by John Kessler, visit Our deepest thanks to both John Kessler for making his art available to us and to Philip Vickers of the VC Gallery of Fine Art, and ofcourse Jan, the Gallery Director.
An unexpected side note... The dogs that live and walk in the canyon aren't quite used to this lion looking down at them from a ready to pounce position. Ray and I are regularly awakened by repeated dogs barking warnings at our Majestic Lion.
wow..gorgeous addition to your property...
wow..gorgeous addition to your property...
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