Wednesday, August 29, 2012

More talent abounds

I have to show some other results from Colorado... Painter Randi created a clear improvement over her original reference photo of a friends rooster. Background remains to be added but Randi is quite a talent!
Bright and fun Julie is in the middle of creating a portrait of her hubby's other love CiCi.. a spectacular Chevy from days gone by. This was a tedious effort really well done! Yeah Julie! Congratulations! CiCi did have a roof and background by class end.
Donna took full advantage of her reference photo on her Ipad. She routinely enlarged/reduced on screen to increase her understanding of the original source as she worked. She tells me she had started this painting once before and was unhappy with the result. A second go at it and we got what she wanted. This is her beloved pet , now 16 years old, so it certainly seems a good time to immortalize her dear companion. Great story and result. Go Donna!

1 comment:

Amy Art Quilter & Fyber Cafe said...

looks like everyone is having fun, and their paintings are awesome! Won't they be fun when they are thread painted!