Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fun Students from Canada

I can't tell you how fun these two were... First Terry Whyte, already an accomplished quilter and fabric dyer, confirmed this was her most fun workshop experience ever. If she is like me, often my last experience becomes my favorite. Terry painted 2 pieces at Asilomar. I captured this first one of grandson coaxing dog Bailey to possibly jump in that murky water beyond. Bailey doesn't seem certain about this.

Whatever the REAL story, it is a heartwarming family memory.
Kit Ormsby worked from a photo from her daughters wedding party. I want to meet this girl. Donning her steel toed work boots painted white to accompany her mostly white but dirty hem wedding gown, Kit's daughter obviously danced the night away at her outdoor evening wedding party. YOU GO GIRL!!!!
The original photo doesn't show well here.. but the worn fuzzy toed steel boots offered good evidence of how hard they partied.
Still chuckling.. Thanks Kit!
I hope they both send me pics of the almost finished pieces they worked on after these two.

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