Monday, April 27, 2009

Follow the Leader

Man.. I'm putting in some hours on this lion.... but I can't quilt all day so I'll showcase just a bit. First with the lion's fur done with row after row of sweeping lines... I decided the image needed a change in texture so I chose to do the cool shadows in the snow pack with small overlapping circles despite it seeming natural to go linear in the snowpack. Remember that "everything in balance" cliche about how we eat (i.e. too much of a good thing ain't so good)? It's also true in design so I was beckoned to a change. Click on photo for detail.

The title on this posting is from my afternoon outing. This image shows three bronze sculpted children atop one of 3 logs that are part of this exhibition. The man that sculpted this exhibit has incredible skill. Too cool!

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