At home, when I begin working on a new quilted art piece, I begin by laying an assortment of threads out atop the unquilted piece. I generally 'sleep' on my choices a few days and make minor changes, then when I begin, I make fewer changes in 'choice' as I go along. BUT...sometimes we are busy and 'run away' to far away places for quiet quilting time. I recently returned from just such a quilting retreat vacation where I started working on a colorful art quilt. I'd not had time for several days of auditioning. That said, I needed a wide variety of threads to travel with me. This is where my assortment of plastic project carriers come in mighty handy. Check these out.... they take little space and hold lots of threads.

The one above is flipped open for easy thread viewing. I got these at a Super Joanns. I 'used' to see them in office supply stores as project portfolios as letter size papers easily fit inside.
I generally 'sort' threads by type, by box, and label them.
pretty cool! I have many of these plastic carriers/boxes, each holding different styles.

I was able to select thread boxes for travel in a matter of minutes, and make the individual thread choices at the destination.