Monday, May 26, 2014

Over The Green Hills for Libby

Continuing quilting my exhibition/auction piece for an upcoming Libby Lehman event.Got to do this right for Libby!!  We are looking at  nearly upside down hills here ( upside down because it will be an easier stitch out given the location within the quilt).  First with 7 different hills, each stacked in front or behind another..  I drew (Frixion pen) curved parallel lines 1/4 inch apart.  I begin by dividing the first  'hill'  near quilt center with a first stitch line down it's middle.

I then moved to divide the "half"  in half.  I discovered long ago that this divide and conquer approach works well to avoid a wrinkle in the rug result that can occur by  moving stitch lines straight across a larger area progressively one side to the other.
Sections divided... then it's a breeze to 'fill' in and move on.
 Viewing here from the 'side' of the quilt :  The same approach as above was taken on all the hills.  Frankly it took longer to mark than stitch.  I did a fair job following the marked stitch lines but will iron the area to remove any viewable markings.  I admit, with so much thread work involved here, I place a pressing sheet ( tissue) atop as I iron away the markings.   :-) A little extra insurance to protect the threads. !  
 7 hills DONE!  I have about 2/3 of the piece yet to quilt. BREAK TIME!!! 

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