Monday, November 7, 2011

Home From Houston

What a blur of a week at Houston... I am barely home... not yet unpacked,
and 'am officially exhausted. One lecture, a machine quilting forum (105 participants), a media sampler (hundreds), 2 classes, and Meet The Teacher forum. Life at the Houston Festival is much like life might be in a turned on blender. Time in classes is so special... I had a great experience with my Santa's Secret Class members. Many took a leap of faith taking this class... anxiety about painting a portrait was high... but seemingly all were so pleased with what they produced. You know it's going well when people don't want to go to lunch or ask to come back early. My thanks to all students who participated. Here's just a few Santas. (click on photo for close-up)

My thanks again to all students, and my special teachers pets. You all were soooo great to spend the day with. I gifted all of you with 4 markers that were designed as part of an optional kit. Please enjoy and use them and hope to see you all again. I'd love to see a photo of your finished quilted piece. I had an optional photographed quilting plan available for take home and use or even handing to for hire quilters. This was a new type of offering. It seemed very well received.

My one entered quilt.."My Kind Of Dragon" ribboned in it's category. That's always nice. There were many exceptional quilts that were not recognized and thus I was blown away. Houston is quite competitive.

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