Monday, November 14, 2011

Time To Quilt The Snow Bunting

Remember this piece painted last July???? Time for me to get cracking on the finish as it is due for exhibition shipping early next month!
I decided to double batt this piece to make the snow a bit more puffy. Can't say already I'm happy with my choice as there is more stiffness than I remembered with double batting... Oh well. I can make it work. My first thoughts about this piece are based on where I live... in the mountains... where winter seems sooooo long and cold.... so when I quilted the blueish background I kept thinking about how it seems to me that 'cold hangs in the air like a heavy veil!' That said.... I considered what a cold heavy veil might look like and this is what I came up with.
A medium to light value variegated thread added some interest and avoided the boredom that might come with so much repeated pattern.

I've learned the hard way that I can't quilt as many hours a day as I can paint. I can paint all day and into the night... but about 3 hours at a time is my quilting limit. Longer than that, I get extra careless. So time to break!

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