Monday, February 13, 2012

One last KUDO to a Road Quilt

I know this has happened to you too.... You've gone to a show, have become awestruck by a quilt that had no ribbon on it. This was exactly the case for me at Road this year.... "The Archer" created by friend Wendy Knight from San Diego is her original design and pieced. BEAUTIFUL. Only after I stood in front and drooled over it did I realize this was Wendy's work. Fantastic. I enjoy the in and out of focus of the elements of this piece. The mystery of just that draws me in.
The story of this piece is a good one.
From my arms distance perspective, this piece is strong artistically and technically. WOW! Look at the smooth cursive done here in the background. I'm impressed.

I lied.... a second KUDO lest I forget .... If you attend Road each year you hopefully notice how effectively quilts of similar interest are grouped for display. THIS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT but is the creative planning and inspiration of Phyllis Morrow of Orange County, Ca. If you are putting on a big event,quilt show or otherwise, Phyllis would be a treasure on your event staff.


Anonymous said...

Hi Patt,

I lurk at your site but have never posted a comment until now. I love Wendy's quilt too! She's "MY LAQ"!! I picked up a quilt one day and this one was out and we spent a long time looking at it and Wendy telling me the story behind it. She's one of the best!!

Patt Blair said...

Hi Anonymous/Wendy's friend. YEP... she is good. I routinely say... I look at judging something like Yogi Barra (?sp) did baseball... any given day, any given judge, one might win or not. This one is a winner in my book.