The message .. SKINNY THREAD = SKINNY NEEDLE. I like a 60/8 or 70/10 sharp. It's a narrow shaft needle that in turn pushes less fabric aside as it moves through.
Here's an area around his doggie collar.
On the other hand... FAT THREAD=FAT NEEDLE.
The background grass area called for some quilting interest and I used a variety of Sulky's blendables... mostly 30 wt.... a little bit here and there of 12 wt. A fat thread calls for a larger needle.... I use a 90/14 for that job.
By the way.... check out this small pack container ( $1.00 at Staples store). it sits smartly in my smaller sewing cabinet drawer, as you can likely see holds many packs of needles, and theres room inside for one of my favorite things... a needle puller rubber disk which i use to loosen/tighten the needle holder knob on my machine.
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