With her approval, here's Beth's pictures and comments:
Hi, Patt -- thought I'd share a couple of pictures of my version of "Take a Bow" that I started in your class at Road to California. I just finished it this last weekend and am really happy with the results.
I don't know if you remember but you demo'd the watercolor technique on the foreground on this and by the end of class it had dried and was too light and I said that I'd work on it at home which I did and, in my opinion, got it just right.
I also did some additional dark background work when I got home and got a HUGE drop of the dark blue ink on her skirt. Okay, so I'm exaggerating a little bit, but the drop was at least 1/4" across. Thank goodness it was in a spot that I could cover up with opaque white and turn into a flower...can you figure out which one?
I was a bit concerned when the thread painting distorted the skirt section so horribly that I thought I'd ruined my pretty painting, but your video said that I'd probably see distortion so I kept going, hoping beyond hope that it would work out, and it did! I think she's beautiful even if her arms and the top of her legs are a little wrinkly (see the detail photo). I have a plan for the next project that I hope will lessen that.
I enjoyed the class immensely and hope to start working on one of my own photos soon. Thank you!!
Beth Stanton
Wrightwood, CA


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