Saturday, December 3, 2011

Building Wrigley Stadium

Here's where working with 40 wt. thread ( i.e. not fat fibers) comes in mighty handy. We have a stadium wall painted and shaded at the left corner. Do I change thread to a slightly darker value thread when going into a slightly darker value fabric surface???? I have many times in the past but ultimately figured out it just wasn't necessary if I was generally working with lighter weight thread. So I chose a thread color that matched 90% of the 'lighter value area." I then chose a simple micro stipple meander as this stitch is just the ticket when one doesn't was attention to the area.
So the stadium is finally built!!! You've likley noted I didn't quilt but only secured the chain-linked areas at the top left and right. It didn't seem needed and possibly would have been distracting/ confusing.
I next need to tackle the base of the lion.

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